A City for All:

Ensuring Quality of Life in All Five Boroughs

New York City has made an extraordinary comeback from the height of the pandemic, but quality of life issues persist. There has been a proliferation of illegal smoke shops endangering our communities. E-bikes disregard traffic laws making the streets and sidewalks hazardous. Shoplifting and package theft have plagued neighborhoods across the City. Wait times for the buses and subways are too long. New Yorkers need more safety in the subway, as well as ADA accessibility at subway stations. Our shelter system is overwhelmed, having doubled in size with the migrant crisis. Many of our students, particularly in communities of color, perform below grade level.

Jenifer has a comprehensive plan to address the many concerns facing New Yorkers, creating a safer, cleaner, fairer City that uplifts everyone:

Shut Down Illegal Smoke Shops

  • Hold the City accountable for permanently closing all illegal smoke shops.

Crack Down on Reckless E-Bikes

  • License plates, registration, and inspection for e-bikes.

  • Partner with app companies to ensure delivery workers have manageable workloads.

End Traffic Violence

  • Hold the City accountable for implementing traffic calming measures.

Ending the Migrant Crisis

  • Create pathways to work authorization for asylum seekers.

  • Identify new funding sources to finance our response.

  • Advocate for federal leadership on the issue.

Safer Streets

  • Use evidence-based approaches to reduce crime, including intervention for at-risk youth and justice-involved people.

  • Create economic opportunities for people at risk of committing crimes.

Wellness for All

  • Invest in NYC Health + Hospitals to provide everyone with quality, accessible healthcare.

  • Create better pathways to housing for persistently homeless New Yorkers, especially those with mental health and substance use disorders.

  • Improve health outcomes in our public hospitals.

  • Addressing health disparities across our City.

  • Promote lifestyle medicine, including the benefits of the plant-based diet.

Supporting Community Organizations

  • Expedite payments to our nonprofits.

Better Schools for Our Children

  • Evidence-based policies to improve our education, including a longer school year and smaller schools.

  • A whole child approach that provides children the support they need to learn.

  • Accessible preschool for all children.

Supporting CUNY

  • Restoring free CUNY tuition.

  • Passing the CUNY New Deal to upgrade infrastructure and provide more student support.

A Sustainable City

  • Implement the latest energy infrastructure, including virtual power plants and heat pumps.

Cleaner Streets

  • Utilize the latest waste management technology, including containerized waste, to keep our streets clean.

Jenifer’s Record on Quality of Life

  • Passed the SMOKEOUT Act to authorize New York City to close illegal smoke shops.

  • Introduced Priscilla’s Law to require license plates, DMV registration, and inspection of batteries for e-bikes.

  • Co-sponsor of the Crash Victims Bill of Rights and a bill to mandate complete street design principles.

  • Passed bill to provide compensation to more crime victims.

  • Introduced bill for school-based intervention of at-risk youth.

  • Led a coalition of over 50 lawmakers calling on federal leadership to address the migrant crisis.

  • Introduced legislative package to grant work authorization to asylum seekers and hold accountable states that send migrants to New York.

  • Introduced bill to bolster finances of safety net hospitals.

  • Authored bill to create an innovative system of capitation payments in healthcare and co-sponsored the New York Health Act for a single payer healthcare system.

  • Sponsored the New York Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act to produce cheap generics.

  • Introduced bill to require plant-based school meals.

  • Introduced bill to save billions on State employee drug benefits.

  • Helped pass the first Albany budget to include the full Foundation Aid funding owed our schools.

  • Co-sponsor of the New Deal for CUNY.

  • Worked with the Mayor’s Office to clean illegal dumping sites in her district.

  • Introduced bill to authorize cameras to catch illegal dumping.

  • Received a perfect score on her environmental legislative record from the New York League of Conservation Voters.