Dollars and Sense:

Making Your Tax Dollars Work for You

The Comptroller is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Auditor of the City of New York. The Comptroller must be a responsible steward of your taxpayer dollars. Jenifer views the Comptroller’s Office as the true epicenter of City government function. A City government cannot function at its greatest efficiency without an active Comptroller laser focused on safeguarding the people’s money and making sure City programs deliver for the people.

Jenifer will solve longstanding issues plaguing the Comptroller’s Office. Our City’s budget for healthcare, education, and social services is among the highest in the world, yet has some of the worst outcomes- with people losing their futures and lives without any recourse. More than half of critical capital projects are late and over budget. The New York City pension system has been dubbed “The Place Where Accountability Goes to Die.” The Comptroller has registered contracts in the tens of millions for technology that leaves us vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Jenifer will bring unprecedented leadership, accountability, collaboration, and transparency to the Comptroller’s Office. She will make the office more accessible to the people than it has ever been, and be a true guardian of your hard earned taxpayer dollars.

Pension Ethics and Reform

  • Work with the asset management industry to lower fund management fees and ensure that the City's pensioners have access to the most talented and respected investment professionals

  • Ensure our City's portfolio is diversified across asset classes to ensure our pension system can meet its risk, return, and liquidity needs.

  • Implement a Risk Mitigating Strategy with more investment in reliable asset classes such as Treasury Bonds.

  • Communicate openly with pensioners and other key stakeholders about the pension system's performance including: returns, investments, fees paid to outside firms, proxy voting and other exercises of shareholder rights.

  • Protect pensioners from investments in risky, controversial industries such as private prisons, gun manufacturing, and coal mining by explicitly calling for divestment from these businesses in the systems’ Investment Policy.

  • Reprioritize Economically Targeted Investments as a tool to develop affordable housing by using these funds to make direct equity investments in local projects.

  • Maintain the New York City Retirement System's Responsible Fiduciary Investing positions (ESG) including the Teachers, NYCERS, and BERS Net Zero Implementation Plans and their efforts to bring shareholder resolutions on behalf of worker's freedom to form and join unions and collectively bargain.

Faster and Cheaper Project Delivery

  • Use innovative project delivery methods such as progressive design build to cut years off project time.

  • Utilize the latest technology such as 3-D printing to rapidly build infrastructure while saving billions.

  • Hold contractors accountable for meeting costs and deadlines.

    Accountability and Collaborative Leadership

  • Creating and facilitating public-private partnerships with the Mayor, Council, City agencies, other levels of government, private businesses and nonprofit organizations to deliver efficient, life-changing results for everyday New Yorkers.

  • End “double-dipping” among nonprofit organizations and businesses intended to serve our most vulnerable New Yorkers


  • Collaborate with the private sector to increase capacity to analyze data.

  • Improve NYC Open Data to share more real-time information and key performance indicators.

  • Create and enforce quality measures in contracts based on New Yorker-reported outcomes.

  • Ending Waste, Building Trust

  • Create a hotline to report fraud and wasteful spending.

  • Unprecedented levels of auditing offices with the least transparency, including NYCHA.

Procurement Reform

  • More ethical and sustainable procurement.

  • Save taxpayer dollars with more collaborative procurement.

  • End procurement of technology with cybersecurity risks.

  • Establish capital project environmental goals of circular construction.

  • Ensure vendors pay prevailing wages to workers in women-dominated professions.

Innovative Bond Issuance

  • Creating alternative finance investment bonds to bring more people and institutions into the process.