Protecting Our Freedoms

and Defending Equality

Recent national events have shown that our freedoms and our very democracy are fragile. Women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and equality for people of every race and religion are under attack. Hate crimes and acts of bias are on the rise, including anti-semitism, anti-Asian hate, and Islamophobia. As a civil rights lawyer, Jenifer will fight for the rights and dignity of everyone, in New York and across the Nation.

As the first woman of color elected as City Comptroller, Jenifer will:

• Equal Pay for Equal Work: Hold agencies, City contractors, and pension investments accountable for paying women equally. New York City must lead in ensuring women receive equal pay for equal work. As the first woman of color to be Comptroller, Jenifer will ensure this glass ceiling is shattered for all women in New York City.

• Reproductive Freedom: Always protect everyone’s access to safe, legal reproductive care and options. After the egregious overturning of Roe v. Wade, Jenifer is fully committed to fighting for women’s reproductive rights and freedoms.

• A City Guided by Equity: Conduct equity audits of agencies to guarantee they are inclusive environments that are welcoming to all people.

• Invest pension funds in companies committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

• Stand up for Democracy: divest pension dollars from any entity donating to anti-democracy causes.

• LGBTQ+ Inclusion: make sure New York City is a safe haven for the LGBTQ+ community and meets their needs.

• Fair Share of M/WBE Contracting: ensure that our City contracts go to companies that reflect the diversity of our City.

• Cultivate Respect and Tolerance for All People: standing up to anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Asian hate, anti-Sikh hate, Hinduphobia, and all other forms of hate.